Tuesday, 4 November 2008

day 3 ~ clearing clutter

i am excited how this journey is permeating my life so fully already, and my husband and i plan to use our forthcoming week off together to de-clutter and reclaim our home completely (that's how rock and roll we are! ha ha)

seriously though, i always knew this, but sometimes it takes hearing something a few times for it to {click} and denise's words really hit home today: "when you begin to clear out any clutter in the environment around you, it can have a powerful corresponding effect on the mental clutter inside you."

for today however, i chose the level one task and cleared the small desk in our bedroom. when i first placed it there, i had visions of sitting at this desk and scribbling my innermost thoughts in thick notebooks... so i revived that fantasy again today: only i plan to make it a reality.

i am currently also doing the artists way and have been struggling a little with my morning pages. i had the very clear intention, whilst clearing the space today, of reclaiming the magic of morning pages right here: starting tomorrow.

and thank you again, wonderful kindred spirits, for your kind comments and support. this is becoming one of the most wonderfully empowering communities, and i am so happy to be part of it.


Miss Robyn said...

oh morning pages.. ha! how I know the struggle... when I worked through the artists way, I had every excuse under the sun not to do them.. it was too cold, my hayfever was happening, too tired, too..... but push through.. it is at these times you will break through..
put a little rose on your table when you declutter it.. and enjoy xo

Danette said...

Rock and Roll! There will be space cleared for you to slide into the living room in your underwear, white socks and sunglasses. :)

I wish you many a beautiful morning at your gorgeous desk as you show up to the page.

I saw Alicia Keys on Ellen Degeneres a while back. They were talking about how they had both done The Artist's Way and neither one of them seemed to be able to stick to the morning pages. I found comfort in that. It was like reading a celebrity gossip magazine for life coaches, and instead of "they also go grocery shopping in sweat pants" it was "Alicia Keys can't get up and do her morning pages."

Mjfontaine said...

I hear you on the morning pages I did that and I may have to return to the artist way at some point. I read that Maya Angelou does her writing at 6 or 7pm in the morning I believe this is the most sacred time but me being a late riser miss on this time but getting up to do the Soul Coaching has done wonders for me.

Well done on your Space Clearing..

Genie Sea said...

How inspiring! You are clearing the way for your intentions! Rock on! :)

Tori said...

I know what you mean about things just just all of a sudden clicking. It has been the same way with me.

It sounds like a good day. Good luck with your morning pages! I'm sure you will reclaim the magic back into your life.

ELLIE said...

could you tell me more about these morning pages - I seem to be out of the loop about them...
your energy about getting rid of clutter is refreshing - I love it!
Thanks for sharing it all

Jamie Ridler said...

You guys are totally rock and roll! That's awesome.

And it's so exciting to see a fantasy revived!! Yay!! I hope this month supports you in making that a reality.

Here's to reclaiming the magic of your morning pages. You can do it!

Thien-Kim aka Kim said...

Congrats on reclaiming your desk! It's amazing how such a small task can make us feel so great.