Friday, 7 November 2008

day 5 and 6

i am a natural born hoarder. i think it is in my genes. my father hoards things and my mother hoards memories. as a product of the both of them, i didn’t really stand a chance! over the years, as i have tried to carve my own identity seperate from those assigned to me by my parents, i have found myself relinquishing the material belongings that no longer serve a purpose in my life. until now, i didn’t realise that the timing of this coincided closely with my fathers premature passing; but i wonder now if maybe his release from the physical world enabled me to do the same.

my mother, on the other hand, now lives with my husband and me. and again, until i embarked on this journey, i never saw the correlation. i see now however. and i see the mental clutter i have inherited and taken on can be overwhelming at times. and yes, i see it is clearly reflected in our surroundings.

since my father’s passing, my mother moved herself and their 35 years of marriage in with us. suddenly my husband and my organic beginnings of a life together as newly weds was hijacked and we found ourselves living amongst things we had no connection with. and, although over the last four years, i have found ways of releasing some of it: making room for a little bit of {us} to grow and survive, this first week of soul coaching has made me realise how much more space is needed in our lives: both physically and spiritually. both as individuals and as a married couple.

it is difficult because by mother is an integral part of our existance now. moreso because she is reliant on us for her survival, but also because we feel a sense of innate duty mixed in with the love. but i also see how we have been lost in obligation. and how our house has reflected this all along: with the three of us squeezing through small spaces filled with furniture that has no significance to us. through the apathy we have about our house, because it never felt like {ours} (we always thought that was because we were renting!) through each of the six moves we have made in as many years: searching for something, a sense of belonging. looking for roots. when really what we needed was to plant them ourselves. and like any good garden, we needed to prune it first. in fact it is only just now that i recognise we have yet to make a house our home.

for me personally, i still also have to deal with the mental clutter. clutter that i know is clogging up the channels of pure possibility. channels that i need to reopen and keep open to allow the magic to flow in. and i am re-learning the art of journalling, of purging on to the page the clutter in my head that serves no purpose. i am learning to release my uncertainties to something greater than myself. i am learning to liberate myself of my mothers hold, so that not only will we be free to create our own home, but i will be free to craft my own identity...

i feel lighter already.


Lisa said...

"looking for roots. when really what we needed was to plant them ourselves. and like any good garden, we needed to prune it first."
That's really beautifully put - I also like the idea that a journal is a place to purge mental clutter. Thanks, both these ideas are really helpful to me ~ a rootless woman w/alot of mental clutter :)

Mjfontaine said...

wow you really need that space for you.... and to let more new things come into your life. If the mental space is full then you cannot manifest any new things. I agree the journal is the place to purge mental clutter.

Thanks for sharing.

Serena Lewis said...
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Serena Lewis said...

purging your mind through a journal is a fabulous idea of clearing the mind clutter. i learned this through the artist's way by julia cameron....her book has been like a bible to me. i did my morning pages as julia calls them for years and they were life-changing for me. i must admit i became lax doing them after a time but, just recently, i am getting back into them with more regularity.

i also liked your words - "looking for roots, when really, what we needed was to plant them ourselves." so true!

love, light and peace,

Judi said...

Your life is like an echo of mine! After 37 years of marriage my husband died and my daughter and her girl friend live with me. We need each other - but we also need space for ourselves. The old memories take up breathing space - the "new" relationships need tending and room to expand.It's not easy. A journal is a great way to vent - to explore - to define.

This journey we are on holds out hope and we are all grabbing it with both hands.
Blessed Be.

Sherrie St. Cyr said...

Your post was touching and inspiring at the same time. My Mom lives with me, and she frequently bemoans the fact that I don't treasure the things that are important to her. My house doesn't quite feel like mine because her things are interspersed throughout it and our styles are very different (think ceramic chickens next to Orrefors crystal).

I love your thought of needing to plant yourselves and then tend the garden.

Jamie Ridler said...

What a powerful realization! No doubt the awareness itself will start things shifting. May the shifts carry you home.

Genie Sea said...

May your roots be firm, may your blessings grow, may your intentions become reality. :)

Thank you for the magical and soothing comment you left on my blog. I am truly humbled. I appreciate them and you greatly! :)

pERiWinKle said...

Sending you blue lie on which will carry you through this lightness of being...thinking of you! xx

meghan said...

Oh I need to apologize to you - I have been coming to see you and been going to your OTHER blog all week - waiting for you to post something - I am sorry I didn't figure it out until just now and HERE you are! I'm sorry!

Oh i SO HEAR YOU about your home - I read your post and you brought tears to my eyes! I feel the same way - unrooted, and like we don't really have a home here. Since I moved in, we have always talked about moving (for FIVE years!) and so I have never connected to this place -

I hope that you have been able to clear some of that clutter around your home. Perhaps all three of you should get together and do the energy up/ down exercise together. Maybe she was clinging on to that old stuff when she first lost her husband, but now would be more amenable to clearing OUT. Perhaps that is just the energy that your home needs to move to get ready for other big energy that will be coming into your life!! ;)
